Opportunities report

Recognising and seizing market, strategic and operational opportunities is an essential element of the KION’s value-driven management. To identify these opportunities, the Company systematically monitors, analyses and evaluates its relevant markets and tracks sectoral and macroeconomic trends. Strategic measures are adopted and implemented on this basis at KION. These are always aimed at profitable growth and a sustained increase in shareholder value.

KION's strengths and strategy – described in detail in the sections "Business model and market positioning" and "Strategy of the KION Group" – provide the Company with considerable opportunities.

Significant market opportunities are presented, in particular, by:

  • growing demand for intralogistics products and services as a consequence of globalisation
  • high demand for replacement investments, especially in developed markets
  • the trend towards outsourcing service functions to industrial truck manufacturers

KION's strategic opportunities result, in particular, from:

  • strengthening of its market-leading position in core western European markets, especially in view of its leading technology and high proportion of customer-specific fittings;
  • expansion of the service portfolio at every stage of the product lifecycle, taking advantage of the high number of trucks in use;
  • harnessing of market potential in fast-growing regions, including through the strategic partnership concluded with Weichai Power in 2012

The main opportunities involving the supply of goods and services arise in connection with the optimisation of production and the leveraging of group-wide synergies. The associated cost benefits boost the Group's competitiveness.

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